Have you ever wondered why some people are successful and other people are not? What is the secret to their success? What makes them thrive when others are wilting and falling by the wayside? What is it that works so well? Is this something that is easily acquired? How do I get it?
The answer is really simple. They all have this extra-ordinary thing called a positive attitude. People with positive attitudes are more productive and active and are able to improve the moods of people around them. This is so awesome. The inverse is also true. A negative attitude makes you less productive and affects the behavior and moods of the people around us in a negative way.
How do I know this? I have seen it in my own experience. I have found that a positive attitude made a difference in my outlook. I have found that when I am positive I get more things done and I am more productive as opposed to when I have a negative attitude.
Another aspect of this that I have found is that playing music helps to give me a positive attitude. Even when I don’t have my guitar or access to a piano, I find that singing helps to give me the boost that I need to get through the situation that I face on a daily basis. So I will continue to have a positive attitude and continue to play it by ear (literally).