All posts by David Hunte

Worshiper, Husband, Father, Son, Friend, Singer, Pianist, Guitarist, Geeky Computer Guy, Music Teacher and All around Good Guy!!!

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

Have you ever heard the words You Gotta Practice, and that Practice Makes Perfect? Back in October I wrote a post about practicing and how important it is. There are so many musicians that believe that Practice does indeed make Perfect. They hold this to be self evident. And to a certain degree they are true. However I want to contend that Practice Does NOT Make Perfect! All practice does is reinforce what you have learned so far. Basically it perfects what you’re able to practice.

This simply means that if you practiced a wrong note or sequence of notes in the wrong frame, then you will get it perfectly wrong every time you play that sequence of notes. You’ve got to practice the right thing and be consistent and persistent. If you think about and look to people who have made it big in this world, you will find that they put a lot of time and effort into becoming who they are and what they can do. In other words they practiced the right thing and did it consistently for a long time.

What are some tips that you can do to practice and play perfectly? Well one thing that you can use is a METRONOME. For any musician this is a KEY element for any practice session. Playing in time grows you as a musician in ways that can’t be measured. It is an intangible that is often missed by music teachers and students alike, that is, being able to play in time.

Similarly in life, not just in music, we have the opportunity to make a difference in the world. It shows by what we PRACTICE on a day to day basis. There is a lot of things that we do that could make the world a better place. I want to practice SMILING at my neighbors and co-workers. I want to PRACTICE being a man of my word and always following Through. I want to PRACTICE Paying It Forward just as someone paid it forward for me this week. What have you been practicing this week? I want to be able to continue on my journey to PERFECTION as I Play It By Ear!

I Need My Keys – Part II

I Need To Find My Keys Part II

In a recent post titled, I Need My Keys…s, I explored several techniques for finding the key of a song with and without sheet music. I have tried these methods out myself and have realized that I use these methods extensively. However, I realized that I also have been doing this so long that it comes second nature to me and I don’t really have a clear idea as to what I’m doing. I just do it. I find the key.

Well in doing additional research on this topic I found an interesting video on Take a listen and tell me what you think

Hum the key note! That’s right just hum the note that you think has the  most common tone! A lot of the time the chorus would give you that note. That’s how I usually do it. And as soon it matches the common tone of the song, I know I’ve got it right. It may seem hard and hokey, but it really does work. All you need to do is practice it with every song you can and pretty soon you will be finding your key as you Play It By Ear!!!

My Brother’s Keeper

My Brother's KeeperI’m not the or most organized person in the world. But I have the most awesome family in the world. In fact, they are so awesome, people Hunte them down to talk to them. My Mom is the same way. She is the salt of the earth. However this post is about one of my brothers. I’ll call him Scrawny for anonymity to keep his identity secret.

Now I have a confession to make. I. Forgot. My. Brother’s. Birthday. I didn’t call him on his birthday. In fact he called me as he had got a new iPhone 5C for the birthday. I felt so bad, that I had forgot his birthday. But the thing that struck me so pointedly afterwards was that my brother, Scrawny didn’t cuss me out or have “words” with me. He just wanted to make sure that I was O.K. and that he could share his new toy with me. Now that’s a brother to keep!  🙂

Instead of making it a problem and focus on himself, he reached out and focused on others. I am taking his example and sharing this story hoping that it would reach someone and make a difference in their life. I have a smart phone. So now, I have set all my brothers’ birthdays in their contacts and I’m also going to add it to my calendar as a yearly event so that I will not forget it ever again. I am my brother’s keeper. I Love My Brothers, both the blood kind and others that I have forged through time. I even love my brothers and sisters who I have yet to meet, even those who wish me harm.

I. Am. My. Brother’s. Keeper. It is one of the ways I love them as I continue to Play It By Ear!!!

Pay It Forward


A Beautiful thing happened to me today!

A wonderful little lady paid for me to get my gas tank filled with gas. It was a very beautiful thing for he to do. And so I will look for someone else to help them. Not that I wouldn’t help them before, but that I would make a special effort to be nice to others as this lady was to me. She made a point to let me know that she was having a bad day and was insistent on me accepting the gasoline so that she would feel better about her day and herself. Her only stipulation on this was that I would Pay It Forward for someone else when I can.

WOW! What an attitude to have when you’re having a bad day. If the world could adopt this attitude, the world would be a much better place. I will definitely keep this attitude for the rest of the week and hopefully for the rest of my life – Be nice to others ESPECIALLY when you are having a BAD DAY!!! Oh what a world we would have if everyone thought like this.

I think about some of the knowledge transfer in the world today as well. This attitude can be useful in reaching others. There is nothing better than to help each other out and pay it forward as we go. I know that my world view has been tipped farther toward this concept having experienced it in this way. I’m DEFINITELY going to Pay It Forward as I Play It By Ear!!!

A Mother’s Legacy!

A Mother's Legacy - Can You figure out which one is my mom?
A Mother’s Legacy – Can You figure out which one is my mom?

Every Day Is Mother’s Day! At least it should be, as far as I’m concerned. That’s why I’m posting this message today instead of yesterday! It’s because of the hard work of mothers everywhere that we have all the great things in the world today. I am the man that I am today because of the impact that my mother had on me and my life. From my earliest days I remember my mother praying for me, and  encouraging me to excel in school and in life. Failure was not an option. She made it such a part of our framework that I have adopted that mindset even to this day! How does that relate to legacy? I believe that Legacy deals with the positive impact of someone or something on the lives of others. One of the ways this really impacted me, and by extension everyone around me, is in the area of Music. From as early as I can remember mom would encourage music around the house. She was always singing some song, even though she would tell you that she didn’t sing very well. She sang the Psalms that she learned while she was growing up. She sang different hymns that we all sang as a family, which is where I learned harmony. When I was about 8 years old, She actively encouraged my oldest brother to teach me piano. And then she made sure that I practiced and practiced my lessons until i could play them “properly!” I was also called upon to play the piano for our family devotion. And then u was called upon to play for church. And the rest is history. I hope I can pass on my Mama’s legacy as I continue to Play It By Ear!

Get A Clear Picture!

Elevation 1254 Feet - Greenville, NY

While traveling through through New York on my way to Pennsylvania I saw a sign that showed the elevation of how high above sea level we were. I tried to take a picture but it was blurry as you can see from the collage above.

The reason that the picture was blurred was myriad, with the weather conditions as well as the instability of the smart phone camera when zoomed in. But regardless of the conditions it was I didn’t have have a clear picture of how high I was or how much higher I could go.

A lot of people, including myself, are in the same position when it comes to their dreams and goals. The problem for most of is that I believe we have an unclear picture of our full potential and even the way to clarity is blurred.

How do you realize your full potential? How do you get clarity on such a fundamental question of life? I believe that  the answer lies in finding your purpose in life. When you find your purpose, then you will begin to realize your full potential. You may even be able to pick up a musical instrument and Play It By Ear!

Exercise and Music


Music is everywhere! It infuses our life often in times when we least expect it, like when you’re doing something and a song pops into your head and you can’t get it out of your mind. Music and exercise are also indelibly intertwined together. Inexorably linked is another phrase that describes this phenomenon accurately.

One of the reasons I say this is that if you look at all of the workout programs on the market today, from Beach body’s Insanity to Winsor Pilates, you will find that there’s music in the background or even in the foreground of the work out!
I find that if I turn the music off when working out I have less urge to complete the workout as helps to provide energy needed to finish the workout. Fascinating!

Music and exercise in my mind forms a symbiotic relationship in that having music helps you to exercise, but at the same time when you exercise it clears the mind and allows the creative processes to come to the fore, such as playing music by ear or by sight. 🙂

I love it that Music and Exercise formed such a symbiosis to keep us exercising and enables us to Play It By Ear!

More Math of Music II – Frequency

I must confess that I’m a geek, and I love numbers. So much so that in a recent post I talked to you about the Math of Music – It’s A Numbers Game. In it I’ve come to realize that there’s a whole lot more to music than just stringing notes together. There’s a whole lot more that the music represents. So let’s dig into some of the more interesting numbers that surround music including some of your favorite instruments.

There are 88 Keys on a piano keyboard.
There are 3 valves on a trumpet.
There are usually 21-24 frets on a guitar.
The bass guitar and the ukulele USUALLY have 4 strings.
The typical guitar USUALLY will have 6 strings but can have more.

There are so many more numbers that are associate with music and here’s another interesting fact and I mentioned it in my previous post called “The Math of Music – It’s a numbers game.” One of the interesting things is that Octaves are exactly a 1:2 ratio in terms of the frequency or the pitch of the notes measured in Hertz. For example, the A above Middle C is 440 Hz. The A above it is 880 Hz, and the A below Middle C is 220 Hz.

The A above Middle C, A440 is the note that has become the standard pitch for tuning orchestra and other musical instruments in the United States and the United Kingdom and it’s territories. This standard was adopted by the International Organization for Standards in 1955 as reported by Wikipedia, and this was reaffirmed again in 1975. Fascinating!

While looking into this deeper on the Music Masterworks Website – Where Math Meets Music – I found this chart below that describes in detail what the ratios are between the notes in terms of the frequency in broad terms. The math also shows how some notes help to form consonant tones between each other.  For example G is 1.5 times the frequency of C and is a perfect 5th above where as E is 1.25 times C and is a Major 3rd above C.

Similarly, the ratio from C to C# is 18/17th and the sound waves don’t really meet up. So when they are played simultaneously their frequencies clash (in a manner of speaking) and they sound dissonant.

Note Perfect Ratio to C Actual Ratio to C Ratio off by Frequency in Hz
Middle C 261.6
D 9/8 or 1.125 1.1224 0.0026 293.7
E 5/4 or 1.25 1.2599 0.0099 329.6
F 4/3 or 1.333… 1.3348 0.0015 349.2
G 3/2 or 1.5 1.4983 0.0017 392.0
A 5/3 or 1.666… 1.6818 0.0152 440.0
B 17/9 or 1.888… 1.8877 0.0003 493.9

So that’s why when you play the C Major Chord with C-E-G in it you get a sound that’s pleasing to the ear. And also when you play C, C# and D altogether it sounds harsh. It’s all in the Math of Music. The math makes it easier to listen to the consonant and dissonant sounds and find new and improved ways to Play It By Ear!!!

When the Jaws of Life Have You


So on my way to work today, I saw this accident on the side of the road. There were police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances and first responders everywhere. I was able to take this picture while moving at a very slow crawl past the scene of the crime.

What I could notice, was that the top of the car was totally off the car – The Jaws Of Life had been used! The Jaws Of Life, as they are commonly called in rescue operations, usually refer to specialized Hydraulic Shears that are designed to cut through metal. That’s why they’re so useful in rescuing people who have been trapped in their cars.


This picture which was taken from the Wikipedia’s Hydraulic Rescue Tools website, shows the Hydraulic Shears commonly known as the Jaws of Life!

The Jaws Of Life can take unexpected turns in so many ways, and when they have you it could feel like everything will be OK! Or that everything is going completely awry! It all depends on your perspective. How you react is determines whether you gave a Glass Half Full or Glass Half Empty experience! For Example:

Glass Half Full –  Yay! I’m saved!
Glass Half Empty – Oh no! My car is ruined!

There’s only one way that I hope to be in IF the Jaws of Life make an appearance in my life. And that’s with a smile, because I know that if I’m alive and kicking will enjoy my family and friends as we get together to Play It By Ear!

The Math of Music – #ItsANumbersGame

The Math of Music - It's A Numbers Game...

It’s a numbers game?
Playing it by the numbers?
What ever are you talking about?

I’m talking about the major/minor scales and how they relate to each other and to the tonic note or KEY Note. It is important to NOTE (see what I did there) that the KEY note is the note from which the scale gets its name and because of the name it would have certain features or characteristics. The numbers are number from 1 to 7 and represent all the notes of the scale. You could see this in the diagram that I had for my recent post – I Need My Keys!

Each note in a scale is assigned a number. For example, in the major scale there are 8 notes, with the 8th ascending note  being exactly the same but exactly one octave (8) higher.  (It is also exactly double the frequency in Hertz (Hz – but I will talk about that in a later post). The main note of a scale is given the number 1. Each consecutive note as the scale gets higher and higher is assigned the next number until the 8th note which becomes 1 again.

So using the scale of C-Major we find the following:
C-1,   D-2,    E-3,    F-4,   G-5,   A-6,   B-7 and back to C, which becomes 1 again and it goes on and on. These numbers become important because they form the framework by which different musicians can play a song and know what to do based on the number that corresponds to the chord being played at that particular time.

So take time to explore the Math of Music and as always keep a smile going as you Play It By Ear!!!

To Teach or Not To Teach – Revisited

To Teach or Not To Teach? That is the Question!!!This is a re-post of a blog that I had earlier this year called – To Teach or not to Teach. I felt that it is worth mentioning again. There is even an update. So here it is:

To Teach or Not To Teach? That is the question. Well for some teachers its not even a question. It’s anathema to them. What am I talking about? Playing Music By Ear. It just is not done. I have had people come to me and tell me that they started experimenting with playing by ear and their music teacher forbade them from doing so. And so it is now that they “THINK” that they can’t play by ear so they don’t try.

I’ve wondered to myself, “Self! What is the reason for this kind of thinking by music teachers who insist on teaching ‘By The Book’?” And the answer is a simple “Lack of Understanding.” In my humble opinion and experience, people fear what they don’t understand and they can sometimes pass that fear on to their students. It is also true that you can’t effectively teach something that you don’t intimately know. Music is a performing art, and you have to be able to demonstrate the lesson as it happens.

One of the most important things that we  use as music teachers, students, and fans is the art of creative listening. Music is an auditory experience. We ‘hear’ music with our ears so we have to listen. As music teachers this is sometimes missed in the teaching. We don’t teach our students to listen critically to themselves, other artists and also to what the audience is saying. Always. Always. LISTEN.

There are people who say that playing by ear is just memorization of songs. And to a certain extent that is true. Playing by ear is more a matter of a coming together of a working knowledge of music theory, chord progressions, bass line movement, alternate harmonic anticipation and melodic interpretation. For some who have more experience playing by ear, you can utilize structures and chord progressions that may come from other songs and intersperse them into what they are playing as they are playing it. This is often seen in Jazz, Gospel, Country and other popular music genres of modern times.

So if you want to learn to play by ear does that mean you shouldn’t learn to read music as well? I answer that with an emphatic, “NO!” Learning to read music opens up a whole new world to the music performer and rounds out his or her education. It enables a musician to be more marketable and versatile when they can do both – Read Music and Play By Ear!!! Its quite interesting to note that musicians who can only read music look up to musicians who just play by ear. And musicians who only play by ear look up to musicians who only read music.

Oh for the day when musicians can be equally proficient in reading music and are also able to Play It By Ear!!

Sometimes I Feel…

Sometimes-I-feelSometimes I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing.
Sometimes I feel Inadequate.
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child.
Sometimes I feel like I feel like I’m floundering.
Going to and fro. Go to work. Go home. Go to the supermarket. Go Eat. Go to Sleep. Go to the gym. Always on the GO! When does it end? Why does it have to be this way? Is there something else out there? For me? For my family? For the world?

I say Yes! Emphatically Yes!

The answer is simply to stop and smell the roses. Yes! Smell the Roses! Take some time to just enjoy nature! Make time to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you. Send a text to a friend just because! Focus on someone else! There is a God who cares! You may not believe it, but its true.

I find that when I’m feeling down, I just have to sing a simple song and I feel a whole lot better. There is something about that sweet, simple song that just soothes the soul. There’s the old negro spiritual that says, “Sometimes I feel like a motherless child, a long way from home.” If you ever feel that way just remember there’s some One who cares. Take the time to day to tell someone you love them.

I Know I Will and I know I’ll also take the time to Play It (Music) By Ear!!!

Get Some Rest!!!

Get Some Rest...RESET!!!  Start Over!!! STOP!!! It can wait till tomorrow!!!

These are all words and phrases that I need to listen to. Why? Because it lengthens your life and contributes to overall health and general well being as reported in a recent article in Time Magazine. In this article it is refers to SLEEP as the new Health Frontier! Here’s an excerpt from the article that really struck home to me:

Researchers have known for some time that sleep is critical for weight maintenance and hormone balance. And too little sleep is linked to everything from diabetes to heart disease to depression. Recently, the research on sleep has been overwhelming, with mounting evidence that it plays a role in nearly every aspect of health. Beyond chronic illnesses, a child’s behavioral problems at school could be rooted in mild sleep apnea. And studies have shown children with ADHD are more likely to get insufficient sleep. A recent study published in the journal SLEEP found a link between older men with poor sleep quality and cognitive decline. Another study out this week shows sleep is essential in early childhood for development, learning, and the formation and retention of memories. Dr. Allan Rechtschaffen, a pioneer of sleep research at the University of Chicago, once said, “If sleep does not serve an absolutely vital function, then it is the biggest mistake the evolutionary process ever made.”

WOW! Too little sleep is linked to Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Depression, as well as ADHD in children. I know that when I get a good night’s sleep, I feel like I can conquer the world. It feels like there is nothing that I cannot do that day. And it is all because I had enough sleep the night before.

So my advice to you? Get Some Rest!!! I know I will and I know that I will also find the time to Play It By Ear!!!

I Need My Keys…

I-Need-My-Keys-Can-You (2)One of my piano students recently asked me, “How do you find the key of a song?” I looked at her and said, “That’s a very good question.” The answer is not that easy to find as well as not that easy to figure out unless you have more information about the song and the documentation surrounding it. But there are quick things that you can do to figure out what key a song is in or what key a song should be in.

The first method may be kinda silly but if you don’t know then ASK someone who does. Maybe someone has already played that song and you can ask them. This is especially true in a Band Setting, where you have to depend on the other people in the band in the first place.

Secondly you could use the key signature of the song or look on a repository like Ultimate Guitar and look for the chord chart. This most likely will have the key on it, and you could identify the key that way.

The third method is using the Major Chord Method. Each song will have 3 major chords in it. The 1, 4 and 5 chords are always MAJOR chords, while the 2, 3 and 6 chords are ALWAYS MINOR chords. If you can identify these 3 major chords, you can infer the KEY from that. For example if your song has A, D, and E as the major chords, then the song MUST be in A. And so on. Here’s a chart from Ultimate Guitar that shows this information:

Key  1   2   3   4   5   6    7     
C    C   Dm  Em  F   G   Am   B-dim 
D    D   Em  F#m G   A   Bm   C#-dim
E    E   F#m G#m A   B   C#m  D#-dim
F    F   Gm  Am  Bb  C   Dm   E-dim 
G    G   Am  Bm  C   D   Em   F#-dim
A    A   Bm  C#m D   E   F#m  G#-dim
B    B   C#m D#m E   F#  G#m  A#-dim

This chart is very helpful in determining the key of the song. Now I’ve mentioned Major and Minor chords, which I’ve discussed in a previous post. I’ll have to come back to it soon. But needless to say this chart needs to be looked at and memorized as it would help in easily identifying the key. I’ll revisit the differences in a Major and Minor Chord in a later post or see my recent post. Now when you find your key, just keep on playing and working it as you Play It By Ear!